
Sons...step up!

May 14, 20 BC-
My sons! My sons! Now is the time to be bold. Now is the time to be courageous. Now is the time to stand strong. My goal in the next few years is to push my sons into position to succeed Augustus. If one of my sons succeeds, I will be so powerful! Imagine all the things I could do (actually my son could do)...both good and bad, mind you. Muhahaha!

Dum cras,
Livia Drusilla
Author's Note:
Livia's lust for power for her sons is definitely growing and she continues to push her sons to power. (I made up the above date.)

1 comment:

Hannibal - Slayer of the Romans said...

You are a corrupt and frightening woman. It is pigs such as yourself that fuel my deep hatred for the Roman.s